Islamic Law Study on Paylater Payment System in E-Commerce in Indonesia
With the development of information technology, e-commerce transactions are increasingly used and scoped. Currently, people prefer things that are practical and do not take time, so that the development of technology and the internet is felt by people around the world. The system of purchasing goods through e-commerce by means of payment through PayLater has become a matter of discussion in the wider community, especially in Indonesia where the majority of people embrace Islam. The research used is normative, with a descriptive type of analysis. While the problem approach is a normative juridical approach. The data used include primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials which are then analyzed qualitatively. According to Islamic law, debt receivables are a form of muamalah permitted by Shari'a, but on the other hand, the implementation of muamalah must be carried out with caution so as not to contradict the provisions of Islamic Shari'a which in essence must not harm both parties to the transaction. The PayLater payment system in e-commerce in Indonesia is actually not a problem, as long as the agreed contract does not require an element of usury.
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