Analysis of Electronic Word of Mouth Factors on Interest in Buying Culinary Products in The City of Surabaya

Caecilia Nadia Bunga Wardani, Liling Listyawati, Dian Ferriswara


This research analyzes the effect of Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) factors to the purchase intention of culinary products in Surabaya. Five e-WOM factors are identified including Platform Assistance (X1), Expressing Positive Feelings (X2), Economic Incentive (X3), Helping the Company (X4) and Concern for Others (X5). This research uses quantitative approach of multiple regression analysis. Questionnaire as research instrument were randomly circulated (random sampling) to social media users in Surabaya city with three research objects which include contents and commentary sections taken from Instagram platform. The analysis concludes that e-WOM factors simultaneously affect purchase intention on culinary products in Surabaya while partially only two factors include Expressing Positive Feelings (X2) and Economic Incentive (X3) that have significant effect.


Electronic Word of Mouth, Multiple Regression Analysis, Purchase Intention

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