Foreign Experience in Using Innovative Technoparks to Increase the Competitiveness of Industrial Products
This research review is devoted to the analysis of foreign experience in the use of innovative technoparks in order to increase the competitiveness of industrial products. Technology parks are key elements of innovation infrastructure that contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for interaction between business, science and the state. The study covers the experience of various countries, including the USA, Germany, China and other innovatively developed regions. The work examines the mechanisms for the formation and functioning of technology parks, their role in stimulating research and development, as well as the introduction of innovations in industry. Particular attention is paid to the interaction of enterprises with research centers, universities and government agencies within technology parks. Successful cases of innovative projects launched within technology parks and their impact on the competitiveness of industrial products are analyzed. The results of the study provide useful practical conclusions and recommendations for countries seeking to effectively use innovative technology parks to strengthen their industrial sector and increase competitiveness in the global market.
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