The Influence of Workload and Personality on Organizational Commitment and Work Fatigue (Study on Nurses in Mataram City Hospital)

Zayyidin Bakhreisyi, Hermanto Hermanto, Lalu Suparman


This study examines the effect of workload and personality on nurses' organizational commitment and work fatigue at Hospital of Mataram City. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to determine the significance of the effect of workload, personality, and work fatigue on organizational commitment, to determine the significance of the effect of workload and personality on work fatigue, and to determine the mediating role of work fatigue variables in nurses. The population of this study were all nurses on duty at Hospital of Mataram City as many as 318 people, then the sample was taken using the Slovin formula so that a total of 77 nurses were obtained as respondents. This study uses structural equation model analysis with the smart PLS application. The results showed that workload and work fatigue had a significant negative effect on organizational commitment, while personality had a positive and insignificant effect on organizational commitment. Workload positively and significantly affects work fatigue, while personality has a significant influence on work fatigue in a negative direction. For the mediation of work fatigue in the effect of workload on organizational commitment of nurses at Hospital of Mataram, it was found that there was a partial mediating role, while in the effect of personality on organizational commitment a full mediating effect was found.


Workload; Personality; Work Fatigue; Organizational Commitment

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