Coping Mechanisms and Self-Care in the Art of Mentality: Movement Therapy as Emotional Mediation
This research applies the Practice as Research (PaR) method in the exploration of the author's coping strategies, as well as the impact on parents who experience child loss, especially as stillbirth survivors. Using the Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) approach as a theoretical foundation, this research conducted an in-depth investigation into the author's coping mechanisms and self-care awareness. Through practice experiments in PaR, the author explores and records her creative process in interpreting and reflecting personal experiences in her artistic works. The results of this research not only enrich the understanding of mental health, but also have the potential to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues through the exposure of powerful personal narratives in artworks. Furthermore, this research resulted in the choreographic work "Dive to Blue," which not only depicts a survivor's journey in dealing with grief, but also serves as a visual documentation of the author's personal healing and growth process.
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“Dive to Blue” by Marshalina Anugraheni -
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