Gender Representation In Banjar South Kalimantan Regional Song Lyrics

Wisnu Subroto, Dewicca Fatma Nadilla


The provided text discusses the positioning of women as objects in culture, particularly in the context of regional songs. The research aims to examine gender representations in Banjar regional songs. The study employs qualitative methods such as literature review, content analysis, observation, and interviews, focusing on gender roles in Banjar songs. The interpretations are analyzed in relation to the values and culture prevailing in the Banjar community. The research findings indicate the domestication of women's roles in Banjar song lyrics, aligning with the values and culture of the Banjar society. The lyrics often emphasize aspects of beauty, the skills required by Banjar women in managing families, and devotion to God as the highest criterion for evaluating women, in accordance with societal norms.


Gender; Women; Banjar Song Lyrics

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