The Authority of the Regional Supervisory Board on the Notary Protocol Whose Term of Office Has Expired
Notary is an authorized official who makes authentic deeds as stipulated in article 15 of Law number 2 of 2014 concerning changes to Law number 30 of 2004 concerning the notary term of office. When the authority is granted, the responsibility will be attached to the notary including the retired notary. Even though a notary has retired, his/ her responsibility remains inherent for life for the deed he/ she made when he/ she was an active notary. The research objectives are 1) to find out how the process or procedure for submitting a retired notary protocol, 2) to find out what actions are taken by the regional supervisory board on the retired notary protocol. This research applied an empirical juridical approach; it is the approach to the problem through the research by looking at the norms or provisions of the applicable law. Based on the research findings, the urgency of the authority of the regional supervisory board on the notary protocol that has ended his/ her term of office is that a notary still has the responsibility to submit the notary protocol to the regional supervisory board. The transfer of notary protocol to other notaries can provide a broader scope for the parties in the deed to obtain justice so that a legal certainty is achieved.
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