Strategy for Implementing Pancasila Student Profile Values in Learning Pancasila Education in the High School Context: Case Study at CT Arsa Foundation Sukoharjo Superior High School
This research aims to analyze the results of implementing the values of the Pancasila Student Profile in Pancasila Education learning at the CT Arsa Foundation Sukoharjo Flagship High School. Pancasila Student Profile is learning with various aspects of attitude formation, so that education is not just about teaching knowledge but is accompanied by a process of implementing positive values that can shape the character of students. This research uses a qualitative approach method and the research results are analyzed descriptively, the data collection techniques carried out in the research are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that the Pancasila Student Profile values implemented in Pancasila education learning include the value of mutual cooperation, namely by getting used to making decisions by consensus (together), achievement in the dimension of global diversity, namely so that students greet each other without discriminating, Meanwhile, critical reasoning and creative thinking are realized through the existence of problems in learning, so that each group member collaborates to solve these problems through critical and creative thinking processes in order to produce appropriate answers based on facts and student knowledge.
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