The Integration of ICT in ELT of Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Students
Student teachers are expected to take advantage the use of technology for teaching process. This study aims to investigate the ICT tools used by Pre-service English Teachers who are also PPG students to achieve their learning goals in teaching English during their Teaching Practicum (PPL), how they integrate these ICT tools evaluated by TPACK and SAMR framework, and examine the obstacles. This current study was descriptive qualitative research. In this research design, the data was gathered by means of document analysis, semi-structured interview and observation. The participants were five Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Students majoring English Education Batch 2 academic year 2022/2023 in one of university in Yogyakarta, who represented three school levels (SMP, SMA and SMK). The data were in three distinct stages: reduction or condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The result shows that (1) variety of ICT tools are used to achieve the learning goals, they are Google Form, Google Docs, WhatsApp, Canva, Blooket, Bamboozle, WordWall, Kahoot, Quizizz, YouTube, and GimKit. These tools are selected based on the learning needs, students’ need, students’ preferences, learning objectives, availability of facility, and possible challenges. (2) The activities that integrating ICT tools majority are in augmented level of SAMR. While the pre-services teachers’ TPACK is effectively help them in integrating ICT tool to enhance the quality of learning, but still need optimization. (3) There are three main obstacles faced by the teachers; which come from the technical problems, teachers’ TPACK, and students’ problem. Technical problems covers the lack of internet access, insufficient devices, and restrictive school rules. Teachers’ challenge on their TPACK includes the selection of suitable tools, the time management in integrating ICT tools, and the struggle to keep up with the rapid development of technology. The students face no significant problems, yet sometimes the negligence of the task arises as they become too attached with the ICT tools.
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