Legal Protection of Children and Women Victims of Household Violence Based on Constitutional Perspective
The Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence has been made for a long time. It is expected to be able to tackle cases of domestic violence that result in children and women becoming victims. Until now, there has been an increase in the behavior of domestic violence that has occurred, and there has not been a decrease in cases, so it is deemed necessary to renew laws and regulations that can tackle and protect children and women as victims and can provide a deterrent effect on perpetrators of domestic violence. This study aims to identify and examine legal protection for children and women victims of domestic violence based on a constitutional perspective, as well as the pros and cons that characterize it. It is hoped that the results of the research will be able to contribute ideas in efforts to maximize the protection of children and women, especially from domestic violence. This type of research is normative research originating from literature. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using qualitative juridical methods.
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