Physical Fitness and Mental Health of Indonesian University Students in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Descriptive Perspective
Physical fitness and mental health are among the most important elements influencing student success. However, sports science students' physical performance and mental wellbeing have received much too little consideration. This study aimed to obtain empirical data on university students' physical performance and mental health after the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted physical and mental health. This study determined the impact of the pandemic on the physical fitness and mental health of university students. This empirical study was conducted at two universities in Surabaya, Indonesia. Data were collected in August 2023. Four hundred university students completed the self-administered survey. Three hundred thirty-seven students completed the survey in full. 70.6% were undergraduate students, the average semester was 3.8, and the average age was 22. 35.8% were female students and 64.2% were male students. The findings indicate that the student's physical fitness and their mental health is moderate. These results are relevant to regional and international audiences, as university students face similar physical and mental challenges after the pandemic and related public health interventions. Low-threshold initiatives are needed to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. These may include interventions to strengthen students' sense of control, belonging, relaxation, mindfulness, and counseling services. Gender differences need to be addressed.
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