Biography of Allᾱmah Sayed Abdullah Bilᾱdῑ Bushehrῑ and Introducing the Commentary of "Ᾱyᾱt al-Takwῑn"
Allᾱmah Sayed Abdullah Bilᾱdῑ Bushehrῑ was one of the jurists (faqῑh) of Bushehr in the 14th century AH, whose student Ayatollah al-'Uzmᾱ Mar'ashῑ Najafi had permission of narration by him in 1256 AH. Great sheikhs such as Muhaddith Nourῑ, Sheikh Muhammad Tahᾱ Najaf, Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Najafῑ Sᾱhib Jawᾱhir, and Kulainῑ are seen within his narrative ways. Allᾱmah Bilᾱdῑ had more than eighty works, of which Ᾱghᾱ Buzurq Tehrani has mentioned forty-one titles in Al-Zarῑ'a ilᾱ Tasᾱnῑf al-Shῑ'a. Based on library sources and descriptive-analytical method, this research has dealt with a comprehensive introduction of the character of Allᾱmah Bilᾱdῑ Bushehrῑ, his biography, as well as, the commentary of "Ᾱyᾱt al-Takwῑn". Findings indicate the abundance of his writings in different fields, showing the extent of his knowledge, his involvement in various sciences, his high scientific status, and his attention to day issues, so that he has writings on most Islamic subjects and even experimental sciences. Study of his commentary of "Ᾱyᾱt al-Takwῑn" also shows that Allᾱmah Bilᾱdῑ's method in the thematic interpretation of the Qur'anic verses is a combination of the methods of the Qur'an to the Qur'an, traditional and scientific interpretations. He has also used Imams' supplications, especially Al-Sahῑfah al-Sajjᾱdῑyyah and poems of poets such as Movlavi. In fact, this commentary discusses scientific issues and expresses day points in various scientific fields such as chemistry, physics, biology, geology, and medicine, which shows his mastery of modern sciences.
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