The Effect of Self Regulated learning. and Grit on Economic Learning Achievement
This study aims to determine whether self-regulated learning and Grit affect economic achievement. This research is a quantitative research with a correlational. The population in this study was students in grade X in Purworejo, as many as 2.773 students. This research uses cluster random sampling. The number of samples is 142 students. The data collection technique used a closed questionnaire research instrument with a Likert scale and a test in the form of multiple-choice questions. Data analysis technique using IBM SPSS Version 25. Based on the t-test results, the self-regulated learning variable on learning achievement obtained a t-count > t-table: 2.360 > 1.977 with a significance of 0.020 < 0.05. The Grit variable on the learning achievement variable obtained a t-count > t-table: 4.924 > 1.977 with a significance of 0.000 < 0.05. Based on the f-test result, the self-regulated learning and Grit on learning achievement variable obtained a f-count > f-table: 19.985 > 3.06. Self-regulated. Learning variables have a positive and significant effect on learning achievement, and Grit has a positive and significant effect on learning achievement. Self-regulated learning and Grit simultaneously affect learning achievement.
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