Faith and Mental Health: Islamic Psychology Perspective
Mental health and physical health are two things that must be balanced. Islam teaches how to maintain the health of both. To maintain mental health, Islam has various values and teachings. Islam believes in the connection between faith and mental health. This research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between faith and mental health, with a focus on the study of the conditions of faith that can lead to a healthy mentality. This is a qualitative study utilizing literature review, with the main objects of research being verses from the Quran and hadiths that mention faith and tranquility of the heart. The study adopts the perspective of Islamic psychology. The research findings indicate that faith conducive to mental well health is one that exists in a good quality, often referred to as takwa. Another finding of research based on the study of hadith is that the heart (qolb) becomes the center of controlling the goodness and badness of a Muslim's life. The heart has cognitive, emotional, and spiritual functions.
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