The Dynamics of Ethnicity, Conflict and Integration in Multicultural Life in Denpasar
This research aims to find out the dynamics of multicultural community practices in Bali, especially in Padang Indah Hamlet, Padang Sambian Klod Village, which is also expected to be a "lesson learned" for the lives of multicultural communities in other hamlets in Bali. In addition to strengthening the social and cultural capital of the community not only in the current multicultural community life but for the future in a sustainable manner. The research method used is a qualitative method with an archaeology of knowledge method with a cultural studies approach. The theory used is from Michael Foucoult dominasi and hegemony from Antonio Gramcy and the concept of multiculture from Alf Minzel. Data were obtained from document studies, observation and in-depth interviews with 20 residents of Padang Indah. The results show that the creation of this new hamlet cannot be separated from the deconstruction and reconstruction of experiences owned by members or residents who do inhabit the area. Hegemony and domination take place in Padang Indah Hamlet as can be seen in the socio-cultural aspects appear to be eliminated by the emergence of awareness to maintain traditions, values, norms that exist in a diverse society and the existence of people in Padang Indah Hamlet who have changed from a plural society to a multicultural society.
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