Investigating the Transformational Leadership Strategy and Strategic Deviation with Organizational Resilience Considering the Moderation of Trust in Leadership Decisions
The purpose of this research is to investigate the strategy of transformational leadership and strategic deviation with organizational resilience, taking into account the moderation of trust in leadership decisions among the managers of food manufacturing companies located in the industrial towns of Alborz province. The research method is descriptive-survey, practical in terms of purpose, and cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population of this research is the production units active in the food industry located in the industrial towns of Alborz province, in the number of 100 industrial units, and the managers of these units are the representatives of the society. The sampling method at the organization level is enumeration; That is, all the managers in the active food industries located in the industrial towns of Alborz province are considered. At the individual level, sampling was done purposefully; This means that in each industrial unit, 2 active managers in planning and planning, strategic planning, research and development units and with relevant education in the field of management and strategic planning were selected and the number of volumes The sample is 200 people. To measure the validity of the questionnaires using the content method and to determine its reliability, Cronbach's alpha was calculated, and the total Cronbach's alpha value was estimated to be 0.845. To check the normality of the data, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and all these analyzes were performed using SPSS 24 and Smart PLS software. The results of the research showed that the transformational leadership strategy and strategic deviation have a significant relationship with organizational resilience and moderation of trust in leadership decisions. The hypothesis test in this research showed that transformational leadership strategy and strategic deviation have a significant relationship with organizational resilience. And all research hypotheses were confirmed.
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