Criticizing the Idea of "Separation of Religion from Politics", Based on Content Analysis of Imam Hossein's Speech
The separation of religion from politics is a historical idea and, of course, important issue nowadays. Karbala, one of the most important and influential religious manifestations of Ahl al-Bayt's era, is capable of explaining the truth of the pure Islam. This research uses the content analysis method and library tools to examine the relation between religion and politics through the lens of Imam Hossein (as)'s speech, focusing the Karbala event. Through analyzing the speech of Imam Hussein (as) in different arenas, places, and times and focusing on the events of Karbala and 'Ᾱshurᾱ, some important statements, interpretations, and words such as "reform", " enjoin to good and forbid from evil", "jihad", "oppression", "corruption," are identified and extracted with high conceptual frequency. These concepts are based on social aspects. Reforming the nation is a social and political matter so that it has a close bond with sovereignty. According to Hosseini's speech and the extracted interpretations, there is no clear border between religious and political components, and the revealed words of Imam Hossein (as) show the true nature of the divine religion and the pure Islam in which politics can be seen in the form of religious propositions and strategies. Based on the religious event of Karbala and Hosseini's speech, the concept of separation of religion from politics will be forgotten and seriously challenged.
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