Development of the Short Film the Legend of Princess Karang Melenu as a Model for Learning Character Values in Students of Community of Two Forms (K2r) Theater Extracurricular SMAN 2 Tenggarong
MUHAMMAD GILANG RAMADHAN: Development of the Short Film Legend of Putri Karang Melenu as a Model for Learning Character Values for Students of the Two Rupa Community (K2R) Eskul Theater SMAN 2 Tenggarong. Thesis, Yogyakarta: Program Postgraduate, University Country Yogyakarta, 2023. This research and development aims to develop a short film product in the form of a folk tale originating from East Kalimantan, namely the legend of the Karang Melenu princess which was developed as a model for learning character values for students of the Dua Rupa Eskul Theater Community at SMAN 2 Tenggarong. The stages in this research and development used 2 stages, namely the qualitative research stage and the R & D research stage. In this qualitative research stage the ethnographic method was used, where at this stage the researcher explored the character values contained in the legend of Putri Karang Melenu after obtaining the values. The character values in the legend of Putri Karang Melenu were developed into a short film. The second R&D stage used in the short film making process includes research and data collection, planning, product draft development, small group field trials, revising trial results, field trials, perfecting the field test product, field implementation trials, final product refinement. , dissemination, implementation and mass production. The research subjects were students from the two-way community of SMAN 2 Tenggarong. Product validation includes validation of media experts, validation of material experts, teachers and students. The research results show that the product of the short film development of the legend of Putri Karang Melenu is suitable to be used as a learning model for the values of character education for students of the Dua Rupa Community at SMAN 2 Tenggarong. With the following assessment results (1) media expert assessment with a score of 3.8 good criteria (2) material expert assessment with a score of 4.5 with very good criteria (3) arts and culture teacher assessment with a score of 4.7 with very good criteria (4) assessment from students two-way community with a rating of 5.2 very good. Apart from that, the values contained in making short films have learning values that students can emulate, namely as follows: (1) Religious teaching values (2) Compassion teaching values (3) Patience values (4) Tolerance values (5) Value of courtesy (6) Value of hard work (7) Value of mutual cooperation (8) Value of discipline. In this way, the short film product, the legend of Putri Karang Melenu, was successfully developed into a model for learning character values for students in two types of theater escul communities at SMAN 2 Tenggarong.
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