Empowering Voices through Community-Driven Child Protection in Soppeng Regency
This research aims to analyze community participation in implementing child protection in Soppeng Regency. This research uses qualitative research methods with descriptive research. Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews and documentation studies. Then the data was analyzed using the analysis method with data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Furthermore, the location chosen by researchers was Soppeng Regency. The research results show that community participation in this program has run optimally based on the four dimensions participation (1) participation in decision making has gone well, this can be seen from the involvement of the community who participated in the planning and decision making process at socializations or meetings. (2) Participation in implementation, proven by active community activities in socializing child labor (3) Participation in benefit taking, can be seen from the follow-up carried out by PATBM cadres, namely by assessing children (4) Participation in evaluations, can be seen from their involvement during evaluations to determine the progress and obstacles experienced by PATBM cadres when carrying out child protection activities.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i12.5418
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