Interdisciplinary: Collaborative Art and Science to Create Artworks and Understand the Environment
This paper delves into interdisciplinary approaches to the creation of artwork by integrating two distinct scientific elements. Exploring the challenges and opportunities inherent in the creative process necessitates collaborative thinking between the realms of art and science. Despite often being regarded as separate domains, in reality, art and science can be intertwined in numerous contexts. Narratively, this paper seeks to provide a concise overview of the concept of generating artworks by amalgamating two scientific elements. Through case analysis and a review of the existing literature, various issues that may arise can be identified. The fusion of art and science plays a pivotal role in addressing the increasingly pressing concerns of the environment and climate change, with the aim of producing works that elicit empathy and inspire action. The "Human/Nature" exhibition serves as a concrete illustration of how art and science can collaborate to communicate messages about the urgency of climate change. In this exhibition, art facilitates the connection between environmental issues and personal emotions and experiences, enabling society to feel its impact more profoundly. Conversely, science provides a robust scientific foundation and data that underpin the comprehension of climate change, affirming that art serves not only as a form of expression but also as a catalyst for positive social change.
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