Hyperreality in Music Computerization in the Globalization Era: A Study of the Influence of Technology on the Music Creation Experience
This research was conducted with the aim of learning about phenomena that have become mushrooms in the current era of globalization. In the context of the influence of globalization on the current experience of music creation, technology is able to provide convenience to composers through advanced technology in the form of computerized music. This technological sophistication gives good impacts in the world of music. With technology, the process of producing and distributing music can cover a wider and more accessible network. However, the presence of technology has also questioned the authenticity of the music creation experience and the role of the sense of reality in the experience of listening to music. This study uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and content analysis methods. The research respondents were a sound engineer from Sisih Selatan Studio and a music composer. The data will be analyzed using thematic analysis to investigate themes and patterns in the experience of creating music using computerized technology. The results of this study are expected to provide an understanding of the influence of hyperreality in computerized music in the globalization era on the experience of creating music.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i2.5389
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