Conceptual Model of Compensation as Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction in Manufacturing Company
The research uses a literature review approach to investigate factors that influence innovative behavior in the startup environment. Through the analysis of various criteria, such as age, gender, educational level, professional experience, and corporate culture, the study aims to understand how individual characteristics and the organizational environment influence employee innovation in the context of startups.The findings of this study show that innovative behavior tends to appear in young startups and in the process of self-development. However, as we age, innovation may become less popular because of the perception that the younger generation is better suited to lead change.The importance is stressed that gender does not have a significant influence in determining innovative behavior; job performance is not always gender-related. On the contrary, a person's educational level and creative approach to work play an important role in inventive behavior. Ethnicity, on the other hand, does not significantly affect inventive behavior.Organizational culture proves a vital role in supporting innovative behavior. Building a culture that promotes creative thinking and the development of new products is an important factor. Job satisfaction also affects inventive behaviour; employees are more likely to innovate in companies that nurture a culture of innovation and prioritize job satisfaction.Leadership plays a key role in promoting innovative behavior. Leaders who motivate employees with their own example of innovation can inspire others. Therefore, in order to foster innovative behaviour in startups, it is important to consider human factors and create a culture that supports innovation. Developing an innovative culture can be an important strategy in facilitating the growth and success of a startup business.
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