Gender Inequality Representation in Novels Air Mata Maharani Vennia Lestari's Work
The background of this research is because there is gender inequality experienced by women in a story, they often become objects that are cornered and are always considered to be wrong. The purpose of this study is to find out how gender equality is represented through critical discourse analysis by Sara Mills on the stories contained in the novel Air Mata Maharani; the position of the subject-object and the position of the reader, then analyzed based on the form of gender equality. There are five forms of gender equality, namely; subordination, gender stereotypes, double burden, marginalization, and violence. The object of this research is the novel Air Mata Maharani by Vennia Lestari. The data were analyzed using critical discourse analysis by Sara Mills. The research results show that the representation of gender equality includes; Subordination, gender stereotypes, double burden, marginalization, and violence. In addition, this study shows that the text that becomes the data positions men as subjects and women as objects. Readers are directed to position themselves as men.
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