"Dadi Lemek Dadi Gandhek" in Javanese Cultural Perspective
This article examines the patriarchal system of Javanese society and its effect on the status of Javanese women. Certain expressions that are still commonly used in Javanese language today can be seen to imply the inferiority of women. This article argues for a re-evaluation of these expressions in the light of gender equality and social justice. The potency of this concept within Javanese culture has led to restrictions perceived as curtailing women's mobility; an example being the practice of segregation, which curbs women's freedom. Hence, this research aims to scrutinise the social significance of "Dadi Lemek Dadi Gandhek" and its relevance to contemporary times. Qualitative and interpretive methods inform this study, with Foucault's discourse theory being the theoretical framework. Qualitative and interpretive methods inform this study, with Foucault's discourse theory being the theoretical framework. The literature review is the primary data collection method. The research findings indicate that Javanese gender roles have transformed with the progression of education and technology. Present-day women possess greater autonomy and freedom to voice their desires, unhindered by conventional boundaries restricting their involvement and advancement in numerous spheres.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i11.5296
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