Impact of Sociability with the Mediating Role of Work Ethics on Social Identity among Faculty Members of Amirkabir University

Sara Razian, Hassan Ghalavandi


This research aimed to investigate the impact of sociability with the mediating role of work ethics on social identity. The research method used was descriptive, and the research design was correlational using structural equation modeling. The entire statistical population consisted of 672 faculty members of Amirkabir University, and a sample of 200 individuals was selected through stratified random sampling based on Krejcie and Morgan's table. Data were collected using three questionnaires: Taormina's Sociability Questionnaire (1997), Richard Chenkin's Social Identity Questionnaire (2008), and Ghasemzadeh's Professional Ethics Questionnaire (1393). The results of structural analysis indicated a significant positive relationship between social identity and work ethics. there was a significant negative relationship between sociability and work ethics. Additionally, there was no significant relationship between sociability and social identity. Ultimately, organizational sociability and social identity have a significant relationship with the mediating role of work ethics.


Sociability; Work Ethics; Social Identity;

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