The Effect of Remuneration, Work Discipline, Motivation on Performance

Evie Sardjana, Sudarmo Sudarmo, Didik G Suharto


The objective of research was to analyze the effect of remuneration, work discipline, and motivation on employee performance, both partially and simultaneously. This study employed descriptive and quantitative methods with linear regression. The sampling technique used was Stratified Random Sampling with 68 employees being the sample. The result of research showed that: 1) tstatistic = 2.857 > ttable = 1.663 (at α = 5%), meaning that Remuneration affects discipline significantly, 2) tstatistic= 5.375 > ttable = 1.663 (at α = 5%), meaning that remuneration affects motivation significantly, 3) tstatistic= 0.229 < ttable = 1.663 (at α = 5%), meaning that discipline does not affect performance significantly, 4) tstatistic= 1.962 > ttable = 1.663 (at α = 5%), meaning that motivation affects performance significantly; 5) t statistic = 2.470 > t table = 1.663 (pada α = 5%), meaning that remuneration affects employee performance, 6) Fstatistic = 4.955 > Ftable = 2.710 (significance level of 5%), meaning that remuneration, work discipline, and motivation affects employee performance simultaneously.


Remuneration, Discipline, Motivation, Performance

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