The Reflection of Philosophy and Physics in the Interpretation of the Holy Quran

Nafise Mostafavi


The search to find the first matter that is at the beginning of creation is an ancient idea in philosophy. This idea was followed until the 18th century, Western philosophers tried to reduce substances. In the 19th century, the study of fundamental particles and forces that constitute matter and radiation is considered the main goal of physics, and a list of fundamental particles is provided. In astrophysics, the search for the first material of the creation of the universe is followed. In the Holy Quran, this question is answered with Dukhan as the first matter, and there are also narrations about this. The commentators are also influenced by narrative source books, mystical and philosophical reflections and the achievements of astronomical physics to express their opinions about what Dukhan is. This essay, therefore, aims to investigate the reflection of philosophy and physics in Quranic interpretations.


First Matter; Big Bang; Plasma, Dukhan; Fundamental Particles

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