Architecture and Aesthetics of Form in the Main Building of the Al-Mubarok Cultural Heritage Mosque in Nganjuk District
The Al-Mubarok Mosque, located in Nganjuk Regency, is a unique cultural heritage building, not only because of its age but also because of the presence of elements of cultural acculturation. This article formulates and answers the questions of 1) the history of the founding of the main building of the Al-Mubarok mosque, 2) the architectural style of the Al-Mubarok mosque; 3) the aesthetics of form the Al-Mubarok mosque, and 4) the embodiment of cultural acculturation that exists in the Al-Mubarok mosque. The results obtained were that the Al-Mubarok Mosque was founded by Kanjeng Jimat with the assistance of Prince Singosari as a form of spreading the Islamic religion on the basis of tolerance and acculturation, thus creating a unique form. The style used is traditional Javanese architecture in the form of a tajug lawakan lambang teplok with a three-tiered roof. The interior of the mosque is decorated with various floral and geometric motifs in shades of brownish red and gold. The main building is realized as a building that contains aesthetic forms, proven by the principles of aesthetic form according to De Witt H. Parker. The dominant aesthetic principle that emerges is the principle of theme. The overall theme of the building has traditional Javanese characteristics. As a building founded on the basis of acculturation, the Al-Mubarok mosque is equipped with unique tools in the form of yoni-bencet, bedug, and inscriptions.
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