The Semantic Aspects of the Word "Qaḍā" in the Qur'an and the Critique of Its Persian Translation in Contemporary Translations
The language of the Holy Qur’an is a language with multi-layered vocabulary and meanings, which in turn are one of the miraculous aspects of the Qur’an and have attracted the attention of Qur’anic scholars for a long time so that many efforts have been made to discover its meanings. In this regard, checking the meanings of Qur’anic words is very effective in better understanding the meaning of verses. One of such words is the word "Qaḍā", which is used with its derivatives 63 times in 59 verses, and fifteen meanings are mentioned for it. Considering the importance of knowing the exact meaning of this word in its correct translation, this research aims to comprehensively explain the semantic aspects of the word Qaḍā, using lexical and interpretative sources and the viewpoint of commentators, to examine and criticize its translations in selected verses to provide the most appropriate translation for the use of the Qur’an translators in the future. The processing method in this research is a mixture of description, analysis and criticism.
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