Structural Modeling Analysis of Public Service Motivation on Civil Servants' Performance through Innovative Behavior
Efforts to improve the performance of civil servants (ASN) continue to be made, one of which is through research to address this issue. This has been carried out by many researchers in various countries and regions in Indonesia. However, research focused on the performance of civil servants in the South Sulawesi Provincial Government is still limited. Therefore, the researcher conducted a study by developing a research model aimed at analyzing the direct influence of public service motivation on innovative behavior, analyzing the direct influence of public service motivation and innovative behavior on civil servant performance, and analyzing the indirect influence of public service motivation on civil servant performance through innovative behavior. The research design is a survey with a quantitative research approach. This study was conducted within the Regional Government Organizations in the South Sulawesi Provincial Government, located in Makassar City. The population of this study includes all civil servants (ASN) within the South Sulawesi Provincial Government in 2021, totaling 22,956 individuals. To determine the sample size from a population to be studied, the Taro Yamane or Slovin (15) formula was used with a precision of 10% and a confidence level of 90%, resulting in a sample size of 100 individuals. The sample selection process utilized purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used in this study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the AMOS application. The research results have proven a positive and significant influence of public service motivation on the innovative behavior of civil servants. Additionally, innovative behavior significantly impacts civil servant performance. An interesting finding from the research indicates that public service motivation, when considered directly, has less impact on improving civil servant performance. However, it does have an indirect impact on performance when mediated by the variable of innovative behavior. The novelty of this research lies in the discovery of a new approach to enhancing the performance of civil servants (ASN). It emphasizes the crucial role of innovative behavior as a mediator between public service motivation and the performance of civil servants, especially within the Regional Government Organizations in the South Sulawesi Provincial Government.
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