Ondoafi Power Structure in the Traditional Village Government System in Jayapura District
The implementation of the traditional regional government system and the Ondoafi government system will certainly face organizational obstacles both in terms of culture, organization and social law. Structurally, the Ondoafi traditional government has broad rights/authorities and is seen and respected by the customary law community. On the government administration side, there is supervision of local governments and of course prevention of community/social relations. This research uses legal and empirical research. The results of this research illustrate that Ondoafi actually regulates two government systems, namely; The traditional government system is a general or traditional and regional government system established based on the regional planning of Jayapura Regency, as well as a new system of traditional city structures that already exist in the traditional government system and local culture. traditional government system, inherited by custom, sacred and responsible for Ondoafi's work. However, there are also new structures, functions and activities that enable Ondoafi to carry out his duties as a traditional leader in both public and private aspects.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i10.5232
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