Analysis of the Philosophy of the Expressive Style of "Tasrif" of Meaning in the Holy Quran
The Holy Quran has expressed its meaning in various ways and has used various methods and techniques in the "Tasrif" of meaning, one of the modes of the Holy Qur'an being Tasrif.Tasrif expression is a meaning in different ways and in different ways. The Almighty God in the Holy Qur'an guides one in a sense in various ways. Understanding the varieties of these expressions has a great impact on a better and clearer understanding of the Holy Quran. The attitude of studying the meaning in the Holy Quran and examining its various objective layers is one of the most important issues in the Qur'an. It is therefore important that the present study uses a descriptive-analytical method to examine the philosophy of the meaning of God the Exalted in the Holy Qur'an with a Tasrif style. The results and findings of the present study show that the Almighty God in the Holy Quran has rendered meaning with various tasrif modes; there are about ten verses in the Holy Quran which directly refer to this expressive modality; Species are expressed; the first is the tasrif in the outside world and the second is the tasrif in the verses of the Holy Quran. For this reason God Almighty has used these two types of definitions to induce meanings. This kind of presentation and payment of meaning has a significant and significant impact on early comprehension, clearer understanding, exhaustion, certainty of truth, exemplification, admonition, the miracle of the Qur'an, the return of individuals to righteousness, divine reverence, thanksgiving, and the completion of authority. A person attentive at every level of speech and language will certainly understand the truth of divine truths.
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