Representation of Communicative Competence in an English Language Textbook
This study aimed to reveal the Communicative Competence category in the English textbook “Bahasa Inggris” for grade XI and the extent to which Communicative Competence has been accommodated in the textbook. Qualitative content analysis method was applied. The data were collected through reading, categorizing, and taking notes of the data into detailed information. The selected unit analysis was analyzed by referring to Celce-Murcia’s (2007) theory of communicative competence. The findings showed that all the categories of communicative competence by Celce-Murcia are found in the selected textbook. The categories include Linguistic Competence (14 activities, 11.11%), Formulaic Competence (6 activities, 4.76%), Sociocultural Competence (5 activities, 3.97%), Discourse Competence (60 activities, 47.62%), Interactional Competence (26 activities, 20.63%), and Strategic Competence (15 activities, 11.90%). These are represented in the textbook in the forms of exercises, instructions or materials, dialogues, discussions, expressions, and sentences. The results of this study contribute to English teachers in determining the appropriate competencies required by students to assist students in improving their communicative abilities.
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