What Makes Consumers Loyal to a Particular Online Travel Website? Case of booking.com
It is critical for an online travel website to not only attract new customers but only enhance existing customer loyalty to improve the website's image and generate revenue. This research aims to find out the factors that affect loyalty among consumers of online travel websites. The variables in this study were selected after profound research on the literature review and review of the customers' feedback who were using the Booking.com website. Models of antecedents were tested such as price, convenience, experience, and interaction in predicting consumer satisfaction and the impact on brand loyalty among online travel website customers. Data was collected from 420 users of an online travel website (Booking.com) and analysed through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings show that all constructs influence consumer satisfaction toward online travel websites and consequently influence customer brand loyalty. The research results will create awareness for entrepreneurs, organisations, researchers, and the public to improve marketing strategies and enhance customer retention and brand loyalty. Websites need to consistently deliver high-quality packages and services to stay on top of trends and build trust with customers by providing good service. Live customer service is one of the most significant implications since interaction with the website significantly affects customer satisfaction. As such, websites need to be available in real-time for the customers to enhance brand loyalty. The research outcomes can be beneficial to enhance the reputation of the website and generate more revenue.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i10.5205
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