Batik Motif Weton Sunday Pon Created by Nurohmad at Omah Kreatif Dongaji in Jakob Sumardjo's Aesthetic Study
This research examines the aesthetics of Nurohmad's Batik Weton Sunday Pon motif. This research is qualitative research using Jakob Sumardjo's aesthetic approach. This research was conducted in Nurohmad's art laboratory, Omah Kreatif Dongaji, in Sawit Hamlet Panggungharjo Sewon Bantul. The research data sources are divided into three. Namely, person data sources (interview results to resource persons, employees, customers, and cultural experts), place data sources (research locations and descriptions of events in them), and paper data sources (data collection in the form of photo documentation, images, books, journals, and others related). This research used three data collection techniques: participatory observation, unstructured interviews, and documents. The research instruments used human instruments, observation guides, interview guides, and document guides, where the researcher is the main instrument. Data validity testing in this study used triangulation of sources and techniques. Data analysis was done in three stages: data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are the aesthetics of the Sunday Pon Batik Weton motif according to Jakob Sumardjo in terms of 1) Referent, the motif of Batik Weton Sunday Pon is the work of Batik Weton Sunday Pon it self. 2) Concept can be interpreted as Weton Sunday Pon in Javanese cultural calculations. 3) Symbols can be studied into two types, namely discursive and presentative; for discursive symbols in Batik Weton Sunday Pon motifs, it can be interpreted that the motif images represent the sun, flowers, clouds, and birds, while for presentative symbols, for example, the sun is interpreted as a lamp and is accepted as a respected person. So on, each symbol has a different meaning.
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