Gondang Oguang Art: Historical Value, Function and Cultural Identity
This study aims to reveal: 1) The historical value of Gondang Oguang art in Koto Intan village, Rokan Hulu Regency, 2) The position of Gondang Oguang art in the context of the Manjalang Niniak Mamak traditional ceremony, and 3) The identity of Gondang Oguang art for the people of Koto Intan village, Rokan Regency upstream.This research is a qualitative descriptive study using ethnographic and ethnomusicological methods which cover two aspects, namely textual and contextual, the textual is the Gondang Oguang art and the contextual is the Manjalang Niniak Mamak ceremony, this method is used as a reference to find the historical value contained in the Gondang Oguang art. as well as the functions contained in the Gondang Oguang art. Data analysis in this study includes data presentation, data reduction, and drawing conclusions or interpretations. The results of this study are as follows. (1) Gondang Oguang art has historical value contained in it, this history includes the history of Gondang Oguang art which is a combination of two different cultures, namely Malay and Minang culture, and in the show, each song that is played has its own story and historical background behind it. the song. (2) Gondang Oguang art has a very important position and role in the series of Manjalang Niniak Mamak ceremonies, Gondang Oguang art and the Manjalang Niniak Mamak ceremony are an inseparable unit, if the Gondang Oguang art is not played in a series of ceremonies then the ceremony cannot be carried out. (3) Cultural identity, Gondang Oguang art is presented by the community as a culture that is already attached to the Koto Intan village community, Rokan Hulu Regency, this is strengthened by the presence of Gondang Oguang art in various formal and traditional ceremonies, one of which is the Manjalang Niniak Mamak ceremony. In the context of the Manjalang Niniak Mamak ceremony, there are several functions of the Gondang Oguang art, including (a) function as a means of ritual, (b) function as communication, (c) function as a symbol, (d) function as validation of social institutions, (d) function as integration society, (e) Function as Entertainment.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i10.5189
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