Grammatical Relations of Haruku Language: A Review of LFG
The abbreviated Haruku language (HL) is a language that has yet to be touched by researchers regarding its grammatical relationships. This phenomenon is the basis for this research, so this research aims to describe the grammatical relationships found in the Haruku language. The research method used is a qualitative method with a lexical-functional-grammar approach. The research data source is five sources from the indigenous tribe of the Haruku Islands. Data collection was carried out using the skill method with fishing techniques. Data analysis uses the method for direct elements. The research results show that HL has main core structural functions, namely SUBJ and OBJ functions, then noncore grammatical functions, namely OBL, KOMP, and ADJ. The grammatical function of SUBJ in HL is always present in the preverbal position, while OBJ is present in the postverbal position. It was, furthermore, based on the constituent order system. HL is classified as VO, SVO, and VOS languages.
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