The Influence of Product Development and Brand Resonance on Customer Retention Among Users of The Digital Music Streaming Service Spotify
Spotify is the most widely used digital music streaming service in the world, necessitating the company to consistently implement strategies for retaining its user base. Research was undertaken to investigate the influence of Product Development and Brand Resonance on Customer Retention within Spotify digital music streaming services users. The research employed a quantitative research methodology known as causal associative research, and data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the AMOS 26 application. A total of 150 Spotify users from various regions participated in the research. The outcomes revealed that Product Development exerted a significant influence on customer retention, suggesting that the incorporation of new features and enhancements in the product positively impacted customer retention. However, the research did not identify a significant impact of brand resonance on customer retention among Spotify users.
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