Analysis of Community Service Satisfaction Levels in Health Service Facilities in Pharmacy Units at Pengadang Health Center Central Lombok Regency in 2023
The quality of service does not only involve physical recovery but also concerns satisfaction with the attitude, knowledge and skills of staff in providing services as well as the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure at the Community Health Center (Hartawan et al., 2018). Standards of pharmaceutical services at community health centers, counseling and providing drug information (PIO) is one of the jobs of pharmacists at community health centers. Providing pharmaceutical services, pharmacists can identify and overcome drug-related problems, empower patients to implement positive behavioral management, increase patient satisfaction, and can optimize the quality of patient care. The level of patient satisfaction is the patient's feeling that arises from the performance of health services obtained after comparing it with what is felt. The level of patient satisfaction is viewed from five Servqual dimensions, namely the reliability dimension, which is the ability to provide services that satisfy patients. The responsiveness dimension is the ability to help patients and fulfill their requests. The assurance dimension is the ability to create trust and a sense of security. The empathy dimension is personal attention to consumers. The tangible dimension is physical facilities and equipment. (Kevin, 2016). The general objective of this research is to analyze the level of community service satisfaction at the pharmacy unit health service facility at the Pengadang Community Health Center, Central Lombok Regency. The method used in this research is a descriptive survey method which collects data using a questionnaire that has been tested on pharmacy visitors/patients incidentally or momentarily on patients who visit the pharmacy unit, and/or have visited and received health services from the pharmacy unit at the Community Health Center. Central Lombok Regency Roadblocks in 2023, through direct interviews by filling out a questionnaire. The population in this study is based on the number of outpatient and inpatient visitors to the Pengadang Community Health Center, Central Lombok Regency in 2023, based on initial observations at the Pengadang Community Health Center of 770 patients. The total sample (Slovin) was 88 respondents. The conclusion of this research is that the level of service satisfaction in the reliability dimension is 79.05% in the satisfied category, the level of service satisfaction in the responsiveness dimension is 75.65% in the satisfied category, the level of service satisfaction in the guarantee dimension is 84.1% in the very satisfied category, the level of service satisfaction Empathetically it was 85.77% in the very satisfied category, the level of service satisfaction in appearance was 64.42% in the satisfied category. Analysis of the Level of Community Service Satisfaction in the Pharmacy Unit Health Service Facilities at the Pengadang Community Health Center, Central Lombok Regency in 2023, with an average value of 77.79% in the satisfied category. Recommendations for good service are maintained and improved.
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