The Developing an Emotion Regulation Training Module for Improving Emotion of Regulation of Adolescents in Muara Bulian Class II Youth Correctional Facility
Implementation of guidance still needs to be maximally carried out, especially in the low emotional regulation of adolescents; this is because the implementation of media has not been maximally used. This study aims to develop a module for improving adolescents' emotion regulation in the Muara Bulian class II youth correctional facility (LPKA). Then, the module can be used as a medium of guidance. This study used research and Development (R&D) research. It used the ADDIE development model, which consists of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The study was carried out at LPKA Muara Bulian. Data collection techniques in the research were the collection of test and non-test data. The data analysis technique used in this research was quantitative descriptive. The results show: 1) The assessment results from media experts can be categorized as “very feasible" with a proportion value of 96.42%; the assessment results from material experts can be categorized as “very feasible" with a proportion value of 97.2%. The results of the trial on LPKA counselors showed 89.1%. The trial's results on vocational school teachers showed results of 85%, based on usability, material accuracy, presentation, and appearance. media characteristics are appropriate and included in the outstanding category.
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