A Comparison of the Level of the ESP Language Learners’ Performance in a Synchronous and asynchronous Online Courses
The field of education research has devoted significant focus to the study of online learning for over twenty years, acknowledging the several aspects that can impact its efficacy, including potential obstacles. To attain a thorough comprehension, it is crucial to analyse the functioning of various components within particular settings meticulously. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of synchronous and asynchronous learning approaches on the academic achievement of medical students specialising in English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The study sample consisted of 252 individuals, with an equal distribution of male and female students aged 18 to 30. These participants were drawn from many academic fields, including nursing, operating room, anaesthesia, and medicine. The study results indicate that students in the synchronous group had superior performance compared to their asynchronous counterparts, emphasising the benefits associated with real-time engagement and prompt feedback. It is noteworthy to mention that gender-based disparities did not have a substantial impact on student achievement in any learning mode. The findings of this study have significant significance for professionals in the field of education and instructional design. They underscore the need to enhance synchronous and asynchronous learning settings to offer a more comprehensive and efficient educational experience.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i10.5142
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