Folktale of Sewawar Karanganyar Waterfall in Literary Ecological Perspective
Literary works that discuss the environment are often born from writers who have a high concern for the environment. Literature can also collaborate with ecology, so the science of literary ecology was born. In this study, literature is in the form of legends in folktale. Therefore, this study aims to examine folktale with literary ecological insights in Sewawar waterfall. Mainly in exploring the legends that exist in the waterfall with the study of ecological literature with environmental insight. This research uses Danandjana's folktale theory and Arna Naess' environmental ethics theory. This research method uses descriptive qualitative with an ethnographic approach. Data collection used interviews and observations, and data analysis techniques in this study used interactive theory. The results show that the existence of folktale confirms the existence of folktale that is environmentally sound. As is the case with the folktale of Sewawar Waterfall, which in the belief of the community has many legends and myths behind it along with a three-way spring that is divided into different functions.
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