Teaching English to Young Learners: A Literature Review
This study aimed to identify age-appropriate materials for teaching English to young students, explore engaging teaching methods that promote active participation and language acquisition, and investigate the importance of creating a supportive learning environment for young students. This research uses a library research method, which involves identifying and locating sources of factual information or personal or expert opinion on a research question. This method was chosen in this study because of its performance-enhancing properties. Therefore, this study requires strong theoretical and experimental evidence to support its argument. Research findings on age-appropriate English teaching materials for young students highlight the effectiveness of different strategies. Research highlights the importance of visual and interactive materials, storybooks, songs and hymns, games, and technology integration to engage younger students. These methods not only capture students' attention but also promote language skills, comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. In addition, establishing a positive and supportive atmosphere, clear expectations and routines, supportive teacher-student relationships, collaborative learning, and a safe communication environment are among them. elements necessary to promote optimal learning. The importance of creating positive teacher-student relationships cannot be overstated, as these relationships form the basis of a confident and nurturing classroom atmosphere. In addition, the study highlights the value of differentiated teaching methods that are tailored to young learners' diverse learning styles, language levels, and interests. By tailoring instruction to individual needs, teachers can ensure that all students feel respected and supported on their language learning journey.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i10.5127
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