Open Presentation Method’s the Right Tricks to Increasing Student’s Confidence in Traditional Dance
This paper was written to determine the increase in student confidence through the application of the Open Presentation Method’s which is applied to VIII class semester 2 at SMP Negeri 3 Kandangan in the 2019/2020 school year. The techniques collecting data of this paper is observation of student’s confidence in dance learning with the subject material’s is traditional dance. The result of application Open Presentation Method’s in VIII class at SMP Negeri 3 Kandangan in 2019/2020 school year is: 1) the Open Presentation Method’s has been able to increase student‘s confidence of VIII class at SMP Negeri 3 Kandangan in tradisional dancing with the following steps below, first the teacher divides the students into several groups in one class, second step is students and their groups discuss to determine the dance to be performed and make a schedule to practice together, third step is students and their group do practise together with floor pattern and music independently at home, fourth step is students and their groups present traditional dancing with the floor pattern and music in open stage of SMP Negeri 3 Kandangan, fifth the teacher reviews the results of student presentations and motivates students to perform better and confidently and also share the strengths and weaknesses from each group, sixth students do an assessment by perform a traditional dance complete with floor pattern and dance supporting elements according to the accompaniment of music on stage. 2) The presentage of the increase in students' confidence in traditional dancing is for grade 8A by 40%, grade 8B by 41%, grade 8C by 34%, and grade 8D by 24%.
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