Analysis of the Impact of Early Marriage and Influencing Factors in Trenggalek District
The phenomenon of early marriage that occurs in Trenggalek regency occurs due to many factors that influence it. The impact of early marriage affects all aspects of community life. Moreover, Trengglek is a regency area in East Java that is at the southernmost end with a community culture that is still strongly supported by its geographical conditions, making early marriage still difficult to overcome as a way to control the rate of population growth. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the existence of early marriage in Trenggalek Regency so that later it is expected that the district government can formulate a policy related to early marriage in addition to minimizing the existing social impact also in order to control the rate of population growth. For this reason, field research with a qualitative descriptive research approach is considered very suitable for use in this research. The source of the data was obtained from interviews with snowball sampling techniques. From this study, it was found that the impact caused by poverty, child psychological health and health impacts. Influential factors such as culture or people's mindset, low level of education, free sex and economic factors of society.
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