Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Challenges in The Era of Society 5.0 to Achieve Sustainable Performance
The Covid-19 pandemic has made many changes to Society where everything is required to be non-physical and utilize all networks or internet connections. Society 5.0 offers a human-centered society that strikes a balance between economic progress and solving social problems through a highly connected system through cyberspace and the real world. If society 4.0 allows anyone to access and share information on the internet. Society 5.0 is an era where all technology is part of man himself. This study aims to see the picture of the Society 5.0 revolution from an entrepreneurial perspective. The research method used is systematic review. The results of this study show that the Era of Society 5.0 is the era of humans and technology. Technology has become a need that must be met by everyone. Interconnected and seamlessly accessed technologies present complex situations. technological developments and based on the opportunities inherent in entrepreneurial innovation. To take advantage of opportunities and answer the challenges of Society 5.0, entrepreneurs must have data, technology and human literacy skills. Data literacy is needed by HR to improve skills in processing and analyzing big data to improve performance sustainably.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i9.5062
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