Strategies to Improve the Recruitment of New Students at MTSN 02 Lebong During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The quality of madrasa contributes to public trust in continuing education. A similar thing happens to MTsN 02 Lebong. A strategy is required so that MTsN 02 Lebong becomes the primary choice. Even though the madrasa is not new, the condition of each new student admission to this madrasa is difficult to move to increase the number of prospective new students. One of the causes is the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research adopted a field study with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data were garnered from observations, interviews, and documentation. The data sources consisted of primary and secondary data. The primary data were obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation with the Head of MTsN 02 Lebong, Head of PPDB 2018/2019, Deputy Chair of PPDB 2020/2021, Chair of PPDB 2020/2021. Subsequently, the secondary data were solicited from books, journal articles, and various documents relevant to this research. The results revealed that prior to the emergence of covid-19, the number of students was only 22 people. However, during the covid-19 pandemic, the number of students was 26 people. Before, the covid-19 pandemic, the strategies to increase the recruitment of new students included distributing brochures, conducting chat activities with parents, visiting every elementary school to introduce MTsN 02 Lebong. During the pandemic, many recruitment socialization activities were carried out using social media and the implementation system for the recruits.
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