Socio-Legal Review of Electronic Data Protection in Criminal Policy Formulation in the Era of Globalization
The threat of misuse of personal data in Indonesia is increasing, in particular since the government introduced the electronic identity card (e-KTP) program and plans for the police to use it to build the Indonesian Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (INAFIS). However, the plan was eventually canceled by the police because seen overlapping with the e-KTP program. Then the government records personal data, and the private sector such as banks and telecommunications service providers also records the data. The purpose of this paper is to analyze electronic data protection which has become a Cyber Cream in the current era of globalization as well as What is the review of the criminal policy formulation in the electronic data protection effort. With method writing normative juridical. In conclusion, writing This is b a form of legal protection that should be given to victims of criminal acts that have not yet been regulated by Law No. 11 of 2008 related to Information and Electronic Transactions in Indonesia. One of the most common crime threats today is the theft of personal information, in which other people's important data is stolen. As well as the approach to preventing and handling crime by using penal means is a "penal policy" or "penal law enforcement policy" which is carried out through several stages, namely: formulation of legislative policies, application of judicial policies, and execution of executive or administrative policies.
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