Students’ Perceptions of the washback Effect of Highe-Stakes Ethiopian Secondary School Leaving Certificate English Examination on Learning
Examining students' impressions of the High-stakes Ethiopian Secondary School Leaving Certificate English Examination's washback effect on learning was the study's main goal. It also sought to determine whether students' academic accomplishments affected how they perceived the washback effect of the exam on their learning. A mixed-approach descriptive survey research design was used to solve the problems. We collected data via a questionnaire, targeted group discussions, and document analysis. The data was collected using random sampling from two schools: Arjo and Leka Nekemte secondary schools which are found in East Wallaga zone, Oromia regional state of Ethiopia. Using the statistical package for the social sciences version 20 to survey 94 students, descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to evaluate quantitative data. The study of the data extracted from the focused group discussions of the students was qualitatively interpreted. The results demonstrated that the students' impressions of the Ethiopian Secondary School Leaving Certificate English Examination washback on the aim of learning English, textbook content, and material choices are noted. There were no statistically significant variations on the learning objective of English and students' textbook with regard to perceptual disparities among students due to their academic achievements. On the students' selection of resources, however, there were statistically significant disparities. The results suggested that the English portion of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate has a detrimental impact on pupils' learning. Teachers should therefore complete tasks on how to encourage positive washback with their students, the Ethiopian National Educational Assessment and Examination Agency, and curriculum designers for English.
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