The Preached Servant Leadership in Africa: A Comparison between What Political Leaders Pronounce and Do
The article will address the challenge of servant leadership and the accompanying accountability expectations. This paper argues that South African politicians are grappling with fitting in the notion of servant leadership and accountability. There is a high expectation when the politicians assume office that as per their campaign mantra of being a servant to the people, they will like up to such promise. However, politicians endure eccentric to those they serve and those who expect a benefit from such service, leading to a lack of orthodoxy by politicians to servant leadership as promised during their election campaigns. Servant leadership and accountability are two sides of the same coin; however, they serve as a nut and bolt of a well-functioning democracy. The two are inseparable. The study takes a theoretical approach and will compare and contrast, as well as be based or supported by, stewardship philosophy and its goals. Regardless of this, the analysis of the literature basis for its premise, argument, crux, and objective, as well as the drawing up of results and conclusions, are all necessary steps in the process. The paper reveals that South African politicians are antagonized and branded by a lack of servant leadership and accountability. The paper further reveals that the politicians display a lot of arrogance and do not care once elected and only come back toward the election. This paper proposes for tightening and modifying all legal prescripts that regulate how politicians should communicate with voters and forcing them to engage citizens between elections.
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